Dr Massimo Mangialavori’s clinical cases

On this page you will find clinical cases published by Dr. Mangialavori.

All the reported cases have been read, expressly authorized by the patients and meeting the minimum requirements demanded by Mangialavori: the prescribed remedy has given good results in a systemic way for a period of at least five years, without ever the necessity of prescribing other remedies, even for occasional acute symptoms appeared. The patients’ names are all fictional, age is real; the profession to other similar real-time, as the general information on the residence. Every possible reference that would give too much personal information was omitted.

  • The cases are presented in such a way as to completely preserve the anonymity of the patients and the people concerned. All names are entirely fictitious, and all personal data has been deliberately falsified. Any other information that could violate the privacy of anyone has naturally been omitted.
  • Permission to publish the cases for scientific and educational purposes has been obtained from all patients, after they read the published paper.
  • The cases were taken down verbatim during the consultation.
  • If the patient received any other form of treatment or therapy during the period in which they were in my homeopathic care, I have reported this in each case .
  • Whenever there was an acute illness, a flare-up of the chronic state or any other intercurrent manifestation during the period of treatment, the patient was given no remedy other than the one originally prescribed.
  • Whenever possible, in the above instances, the first remedy to be given was not the verum, in order to allow an optimum evaluation of the remedy’s effect.
  • The follow-up period of each case is at least two years, during which no remedy was prescribed other than the one initially indicated. Anyway the cases published in this site have all a much longer follow-up. 

I have chosen what I consider to be the most significant cases of each remedy, in view of what seems to me to be their most characteristic and recurrent features, also taking into account other cases I have successfully treated with the same remedy.

I consider it important not to prescribe any other remedies during the period of treatment, because from the educational point of view this allows a clearer and deeper analysis of the specific effect of each remedy.

That does not mean to say that I believe this to be the only possible or valid approach to Homeopathy. However my experience is mainly a clinical one based on cured cases, and I believe that no-one is better able to describe the patient’s state in all its richness – and consequently the state of the remedy as well – than the patient himself or herself.

I am however aware of the difficulty of evaluating the effect of any treatment, mostly the homeopathic ones, that has reference to a “complex model” which moves the point of observation beyond the mere disappearance of a few symptoms.

I hold it to be true that the story of medicine is begun by man, each and every time that a patient seeks a remedy: in something, in someone, in something suggested by someone. Yet this dynamic interaction expresses itself therapeutically in a way which we are still far from understanding in its entirety, and which has to do with Medicine – all of it.

This material is presented solely with the aim of informing and stimulating any colleagues who may be interested in the results obtained by the use of homeopathic remedies.


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